banking service chronicle

banking service chronicle
banking service chronicle

Friday, May 7, 2021

arihant competition infocus current affairs

 arihant competition infocus current affairs

arihant competition infocus current affairs published this article page no302

 Companies needing moderate or aggressive haircuts had gone for debt-funded capital expenditure. However due to demand slump or projects running into regulatory issues causing time and cost overruns they were rendered unviable. arihant competition infocus current affairs

arihant competition infocus current affairs

 arihant competition infocus current affairs

arihant competition infocus current affairs published this article page no305

Indian accounting system recap bonds would give rise to debt which would push up the fiscal deficit but it would not happen if accounts were prepared under IMF methods. arihant competition infocus current affairs

arihant competition infocus current affairs

 arihant competition infocus current affairs

arihant competition infocus current affairs published this article page no303

Additionally according to the Crisil report companies requiring marginal haircuts are those facing temporary setbacks which could be corrected over time. "It would be in the larger interest of the economy to pop the bitter pill of haircut than kick the can down the road" the rating agency said.So for haircuts on account of insolvency resolution and meeting capital norms under BASEL III PSBs do require infusion which is the primary responsibility of the government itself as it is the majority stakeholder. Recap Bonds essentially fit the Bill over here. However there will be more clarity only when the government announces the exact details with amount issuer subscriber ticket size and coupon rate among others. arihant competition infocus current affairs

knowledge questions magazine in english

knowledge questions magazine in english knowledge questions magazine in english     Published this article page no 66 While ICG is playing a...